Welcome to PoliceClearanceCambodia.com

Are you in need of a Police Clearance Certificate?
Look no further! At PolicecleanceCambodia.com, we specialize in helping you obtain a comprehensive criminal background check report from the Ministry of Justice.

Our services include:

  • Official Report: We provide a certified report that meets all legal requirements.
  • Translation & Legalization: Your report will be expertly translated and legalized for your convenience.

Visit Us: If you’re in Siem Reap, feel free to walk into our office for personalized assistance.

Contact Us: If you’re residing abroad, we’re here to help. Please reach out through our contact page, and our team will guide you through the process.

Your peace of mind is just a click away! Let us assist you in securing your Police Clearance Certificate today.

Example of a Police Record

Below you can find an example of a Police Clearance Certificate. This document serves as an official record of your criminal background check, issued by the Ministry of Justice.

Key Details Included:

  • Personal Information: Name, date of birth, and identification details.
  • Criminal Record Status: A clear statement indicating whether any criminal records exist.
  • Official Seal: The document will bear the Ministry of Justice’s official seal for authenticity.
  • Translation and Legalization: Our service includes translation and legalization of the document for use in your home country or elsewhere.

For further information or to obtain your own Police Clearance Certificate, please contact us!